Hey, I'm Solange!

What makes House by Solange different?

We're Gen Z to the core: big on results, but not short on fun. We use the latest advancements in AI and marketing automation to craft winning strategies that are both effective and, well, don't put you to sleep.

We offer a range of services to tackle your unique challenges, from paid advertising campaigns that get you noticed to social media strategies that turn followers into fans (and paying customers!).

Enough about us, we want to know about you! We offer custom project solutions or a variety of packages to suit your needs. Contact us to learn more.

Want to learn more on your own time? Subscribe to our free podcast for in-depth insights on optimizing your customer journey.

Founder of House by Solange, a digital marketing agency obsessed with helping businesses turn their online presence into a sales machine.

Maybe you're struggling with conversion rates or your customer journey is feeling like a roadblock. Perhaps you're wondering if paid advertising is the right move, or how to leverage social media to grow your brand awareness. Whatever the case, you've landed in the right spot.

Why We Do What We Do

Look, I've been there. Before House by Solange, I spent time optimizing online conversions at Google HQ in Dublin, working with companies of all shapes and sizes. I even used to be in Sales at Salesforce, so I know the grind of building a sales pipeline from scratch.