Newsletter Announcements That Convert: A Formula for Subscriber Growth

Ever hit "send" on a newsletter announcement and wonder if anyone even opened it? We've all been there.

This post gives you the tools to write killer announcements that people actually want to read and that turn clicks into loyal subscribers.

Know Your Audience's Struggles (and Be the Hero!)

First things first: what are your readers actually worried about?


Let’s imagine that your audience is having a hard time acquiring and retaining customers. So, you create a masterclass to help them overcome this challenge. Now, you’re using your newsletter to position your new masterclass to your most loyal audience - active subscribers.

Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s look at the formula:

  1. What is your audience struggling with? [customer acquisition & retention]

  2. How can you solve their problem? [a masterclass that shows the A-Z of a customer journey that converts]

  3. How can you position the benefits of your offer? [learn the ins and outs of funnel marketing and never chase a sale again]

Most people forget about step 3 - a lot of us think that positioning a solution is enough. But in this day and age, where your audience is more visually inclined than ever, it's important to paint a picture. What will their life look like once this challenge is solved? That's what will help you sell.

Show You Know Your Stuff (Without Bragging)

People want to learn from experts, so demonstrate your knowledge in a way that feels genuine. Share a powerful statistic or a compelling case study to showcase your expertise. No need to brag, just let your experience shine through.

For example: did you know that companies lose 30% of their customers on average due to lack of loyalty? That’s brutal, especially considering the fact that 37% of customers are willing to pay extra for an upgraded tier. In other words, not understanding your funnel from A-Z leaves a lot of money on the table!

Create FOMO (the Good Kind!)

A little healthy fear of missing out (FOMO) can be a powerful motivator. Consider offering limited-time bonuses or early bird discounts to encourage immediate sign-ups.

Beyond the Basics: Upgrade Your Announcements

The above are key ingredients, but let's add some spice!

  • Subject Lines that Grab Attention: Write subject lines that are short, sweet, and intriguing. Spark curiosity and make people want to learn more.

  • Personalize It! Segment your audience and tailor your announcements to their specific needs. A more relevant message gets better results.

  • Preheader Text: Don't Waste That Space! The preheader text appears next to the subject line. Use it to add context and entice readers to open the email.

  • A Clear Call to Action (CTA): Tell people exactly what you want them to do next! Use a strong CTA like "Enroll Now" or "Save Your Spot" to guide them towards signing up.

By using these strategies, you can write newsletter announcements that convert and turn your email marketing into a subscriber magnet. And while we’re on the topic…

How about you scroll down and subscribe to mine?


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